Monday, February 25, 2013
Paci Party
We were enjoying some cuddling when Madi presented me with one of her cherished pacifiers...didn't want Mama feeling left out...PACI PARTY!!!
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Daddy's Love
Oh how I love our beautiful little family! Its been many many moons since old papa bear has created a blog post, so many moons the format of blogging has changed and I do not even know where this message will show up. (Probably in a spot where no-one will even see it). I want everyone to know how incredibly thankful I am for our wonderful little family. First of all, Kaye, I would have to vote her mother of the year for sure. What an incredibly talented woman! Her days consist of endless service to our beautiful little girls. Taking on two little tots so close together is not a simple task. Kaye has mastered the art of being a marvelous mama. Kaye is my bestest friend a person could ever ask for. We laugh together, cry together, and sometimes even get to sleep in the same bed together. (Those are always the best nights by far, well for Kaye anyways ok and Matt too!) I have been extremely proud of Kaye to her commitment to me during the last 3 years. I have never ever in my life felt closer to another individual. We truly have a special marriage that cannot be matched. Thank you Kaye for being such a great mommy to my special little angels and for being an amazing wife.
Little Madison, talk about the apple of her daddy's eye. Madison and I truly have such a special bond. Madison is my little buddy that brings me so much joy. There isn't a feeling comparable to coming home from work and having little Madison run to the door and greet me with her arms as wide as she can make them and then gives me the biggest hug she can. We wrestle together and she just loves it. I am preparing her for when she is older to thwart off all those crazy guys. Good luck guys you will have your hands full if you make Madison upset. The days when I am not working a million hours Madison and I play with trains, make puzzles, watch a thousand episodes of Cailou, and even do a few little art projects. Thank you Madison for all the joy you bring to your daddy's heart.
My little Hanner! Hannah is daddy's special little angel. Hannah has a smile that could literally light up the whole universe. Her smile lights up daddy's heart beyond measure. Hannah has been nothing but pure joy, well other than she stole my side of the bed for the last 6 months. I never thought that I would have enough love in my heart to love Kaye as much as I love her, and then Madison and also Hannah, but I can truly testify that my heart is much more full of love then it has ever been, and I have plenty of love to go around for everyone. I can honestly say my cup runneth over, and not because Madison spilt it, but because I have been blessed beyond measure.
How truly grateful I am for our little family. They have brought me more joy than I ever thought imaginable. I read a cute little quote today about families and it went something like this, " In family life, love is...
the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony." Thank you little family for filling my heart full of love! I love you all very much.
Little Madison, talk about the apple of her daddy's eye. Madison and I truly have such a special bond. Madison is my little buddy that brings me so much joy. There isn't a feeling comparable to coming home from work and having little Madison run to the door and greet me with her arms as wide as she can make them and then gives me the biggest hug she can. We wrestle together and she just loves it. I am preparing her for when she is older to thwart off all those crazy guys. Good luck guys you will have your hands full if you make Madison upset. The days when I am not working a million hours Madison and I play with trains, make puzzles, watch a thousand episodes of Cailou, and even do a few little art projects. Thank you Madison for all the joy you bring to your daddy's heart.
My little Hanner! Hannah is daddy's special little angel. Hannah has a smile that could literally light up the whole universe. Her smile lights up daddy's heart beyond measure. Hannah has been nothing but pure joy, well other than she stole my side of the bed for the last 6 months. I never thought that I would have enough love in my heart to love Kaye as much as I love her, and then Madison and also Hannah, but I can truly testify that my heart is much more full of love then it has ever been, and I have plenty of love to go around for everyone. I can honestly say my cup runneth over, and not because Madison spilt it, but because I have been blessed beyond measure.
How truly grateful I am for our little family. They have brought me more joy than I ever thought imaginable. I read a cute little quote today about families and it went something like this, " In family life, love is...
the oil that eases friction, the cement that binds closer together, and the music that brings harmony." Thank you little family for filling my heart full of love! I love you all very much.
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
Gleeful Grin
I totally love and cherish how witto Hannah wrinkles up her nose and squints and squeezes her sparkly eyes shut as she bubbles over with joy while beaming her sunny smile! So stinking precious.
I have been thinking a lot lately how much responsibility I have as her Mama in helping her preserve her childlike innoncence and cheerful, optimistic outlook. I have tried to be more bubbly and cheerful in the mornings and all the day long (not always an easy task). I feel like I owe little Hannah my best. She brings out the best in me and I should do the same for her! I never want her to stop smiling. I know life isn't always sparkles and sunshine, but with a cheerful heart and happy disposition, it will always be bearable...and why settle for just bearable...I'd say life can even be JOYFUL...come what may, no matter what hardships and adversity we experience...LIFE IS JOYFUL! Hannah helps me remember this.
Please never stop smiling, babygirl. I will do my best to model this for you. My dearest Mama did that for me! I will try, try, try my hardest to pass down this precious gift and legacy of joy to my lovely ladies. I am so glad it is intrinsic and innate for you to be so beautifully blissful, sweet Hannah. I never want life to beat that out of you. Never ever NEVER! I will always strive to protect and preserve this graceful and radiant quality you brought down with you from heaven.
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Mix-Match Yer Shiz
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How much do I love Madi's fiesty fashionista get-up? A LOT MUCH! This saucy ensemble SCREAMS Madi. No frills or ruffles just spunk and comfort. To recreate this outfit, just pair your Dora the Explorer nightshirt with your green butterfly pajama bottoms and tie the look together with your butterfly rainboots. If you really wanna rock the look, make sure to style your hair in a trendy Euro-mullet and sport a bright pink paci as a delicious and soothing accessory. Madi, you totally nailed it, girlfriend!
Macaroni Madi
Cuddly Cute
Is there anything more squishy and delicious than a yummy baby in pink long john thermal jammies? I think not! ADORABLE! Hannah transforms a cold Cache valley winter day into cuddly cuteness.
Monday, February 4, 2013
Porcelain Princess
Hannah Kaye
6 Months
January 2013
Weight: 13.25 lbs--5%
Length: 25 in--20%
Head Circumference: 16.3 in--20%
We were in Sam's club and an elderly Mexican man peered into my cart to gaze at Hannah in her carseat. She was still as a statue with her big blue eyes locked on the canopy of her carseat. He watched her for awhile and then looked up at me and asked, "Is she real?" I was confused and wondered if his question had lost some meaning in translation.
"What?" I asked.
He gazed at Hannah again and asked, "Is that a real baby?"
Just then, Hannah noticed her admirer and beamed a gigantic smile back at him.
"Ooooh, BEAUTIFUL!" He exclaimed. "So beautiful!"
I think for a minute, this sweet gentleman thought I was strolling around a plastic babydoll. Hannah truly is our perfect, precious, porcelain princess. Our own little doll baby.
I have so many wonderful pictures from her 6 month photoshoot with Grandma Marcia that I will start posting a few a day.
Madi Mae--20 Months
What Was I Thinking?!?
The carts at Sam's club are JUMBO. But apparently they aren't big enough for a wily witto toddler, infant in carseat, two enormous boxes of diapers (stowed precariously underneath), mondo pack of paper towels, gigantic pack of toilet paper, two loaves of bread and the oversized monster bag of tortilla chips. We purchased our loot, I made a perilous pyramid on top of sweet Hannah, and we trudged out into the snow and sludge of the parking lot. What wasn't dislodged into the muddy puddles on its own was chucked in by Madderdoon. Madi was at her wits' end after missing her nap to go shopping with Ma and began nudging the delicate pyramid into the slimy sludge as we plowed to the van. UGH! Not my finest moment. I strapped my mini miss Hulk into her carseat and let her think we were driving off without her paci which she had also taken out and chucked into the muck. "Bye, paci! So sorry Madi threw you in the snow. So sad. Bye!" Tears and screaming the entire drive home. But no worries! We had PLENTY of tissue to wipe up her boogers and dry her sad eyes when we got home. Why did I try to leave the house today? "WHAT WAS I THINKING?" (A question I ask myself often lately) :) :) :)
Storytime with Daddy
Miss Madi hands us book after book to read with her all day long. We have so much fun watching her grow and learn. Many of our favorite moments are spent reading together. Please keep that love of learning alive always, babygirl. It is so fun to watch you light up as you learn something new and we hope you will always have a passion for reading and books.
The Puzzler
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Brow furrowed in concentration |
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Gettin it |
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