"Why, YES! I do, in fact, have a rather naughty big sister! However did you guess? Was it the blue marker on my head and face that tipped you off? Madi's messy, mischievous, monstrous, mean masterpiece. I was not a willing template. Sometimes it just stinks being the little sis. (Sniff. Blue tear.)"

Mommy ran inside to get Madi's shoes and some snacks while the tots waited, buckled into the bike trailer out back, ready for a morning adventure. When I heard Hannah's screams, I dropped everything and ran to the rescue. I had no idea Madi had smuggled a blue marker out with her and was busy decorating Hannah. The fun adventure was cancelled. Madi got a good spanking and landed herself in her cribby where she screamed and hollered as I bathed Hannah, pretending all the while we were having so much fun. The garbage truck arrived at the ideal moment to empty the dumpster out front. Mama waved goodbye to all Madi's markers as the mean garbage man took them away (little did Madi know, they are stored safely away in a high cupboard for when Madi is a little older and more responsible). Madi protested loudly with much emotion. Later she apologized profusely and put herself in the doghouse...literally, curling up in Lily's dog bed for a little self-imposed time-out. Oh, I still love you, you naughty little pup!