Nanny/Hanny/Hanners/Nutball/Knucklehead/Angel Baby/Squish/"Mommy's Little Tumor"/Hambone/Hannah Kaye--Our Precious, Priceless little Baby Girl, turned 2 on July 22nd. It's been way too long since I've recorded her happy happenings and funny fast facts so here goes nothin'...
At Age 2, Hannah:
* Sings vibrato--her head shakes and bobs when she crescendos to the high notes, dancing, twirling, feels the beat, shakes and twirls her wrists with the music.
* Princesses--LOVES Ariel, Barbies, discovered a collection of VHS movies including Swan Princess, has whole songs memorized and belts them perfectly on pitch.
* Likes pretty dresses, fancy fingernails, "makes" (make-up). Girly girl diva.
* Stubborn/saucy/persistent/demanding/bossy--"Lips" (lipstick) and "Pips" (Pits/Deodorant) she'll beg for lipstick ALL day long, never relenting. Loves to carry around her chapstick tube until the entire cylinder has been worn down/rubbed into her waxy face/nibbled on and eaten.
* Loves to color/paint/draw. Used to be banned from any writing instrument. After her first time in nursery at church, the teacher said, "Yes, she was very good, sweet, happy... BUT she couldn't do a lot of things. When we tried play-doh or coloring she just ate the crayons and play-doh." Had to smile. Yes. Indeed. Hanny used to eat crayons. And not just a nibble or bite. She'd thoroughly digest the entire crayon, so that her mouth/teeth/tongue were coated in waxy black. Silly, silly girl.
* Excellent exploding vocabulary. LOVES books, songs, ABC's. Recently graduated from the very annoying "command" language stage (thank heavens) where she would repeat, "blankie," "paci," "Halloween" (loves to watch Nightmare Before Christmas on Netflix), "Scary" (Dreamworks Monsters vs. Aliens mutant carrots & pumpkins on Netflix) over and over all day long. Now she speaks whole sentences, sings entire, fun, fun!
* Paci-free! No more binkies after a visit to the pediatric dentist (perfect, cavity-free teeth but I bite that was headed down a scary path similar to big sister, Madi's) prompted us to bite the bullet and say goodbye to our treasured friends. Easier transition than I expected. I was soooo nervous, having serious anxiety about parting with a full night's sleep for the next few months but the girls are doing GREAT!
* LOUD voice--her cry/scream/shriek can shatter glass...or at least your nerves. Constant babbling, noise, talk, talk, talking with her bossy commands. Sacrament meeting is tricky with no pacis now. There is no way to mute her rambunctious, resounding rambles. She DEMANDS that I draw, "Scary" (grouchy faces), "Happy, Mommy," (smiley faces), "Grandpa, Mommy," "Grandma, Mommy," "Jodi, Mommy," "Libby, Mommy," "Minnie, MOMMY"....
* Not a lot of sense/savvy--at the park she finds litter to rub on her lips for "LIPS" (lipstick--her favorite and most repeated word/demand). Every dirty, germy toy at nursery becomes "LIPS" as she smears the filthy goodness all over her lips and face. She came across an old lollipop stick discarded under a tree on our way out from the library and she promptly popped it in her ear for a Q-tip. Marches across streets without a second thought of scary traffic or cars. Thinks it's hilarious to charge down the sidewalk and down the road as far from home as quick as she can if Mom takes an eye off her for two seconds out front. Scarily determined.
* Mommy's Girl--with me every second of every day. Mommy MUST be the one to put her to bed. She is truly my treasured tumor tot. Just can't seem to shake her. She is my buddy and I love her to pieces.
* Sweet Lovey--loves to be rubbed on, snuggled, touched, cuddled, sniffed and loved. My all time FAVORITE things she says, "Love you...sooo much!" and "BY YOU" (meaning I want to lay BY YOU/cuddle before naps or bedtime). "Holdeee, Mommy!"
Cuddle Bug |
Daddy's "Lil' Squish"
Gives the best "lippers" and hugs
Fakers! |
*Scratcher/face pincher. Have to keep her fingernails trimmed short or friends/cousins/sisters will be marked up in no time :(
* Messy--disasterbuckle in the high-chair. Stripped down for every meal to eat in the buff and still has to be hosed down afterwards because she loves to rub grub in her hair, ears, bellybutton...pretty much every crack and crevice. High chair has to be hosed down and the entire surrounding floor area after each meal. Loves to create colossal messes throughout the house, she has a radar for any left-down lotion, Desitin, water bottles, dog food, etc and can create WHOPPING messes in only seconds flat. Destructa-mega! Definitely a bit of a wrecker!
Ha! Soooo Hannah. She had about a 1/4 of a chocolate chip cookie, which doesn't seem like a lot, and yet look at the mess she can create! Probably about a crumb of it was actually digested...the rest smeared from head to toe, rubbed in her hair, and topped off with grass sprinkles. Love this cuckoo kiddo! Mommy thought ahead, stripped her down for her treat and threw Hanny in the backyard where she would be least destructive :) |

* Fussy--very nervous in new situations. Mommy has to hold and coax her. Shopping/errands with Hanny's fussy company can be very trying. :)
*Lots of sickies--hard to keep this kid healthy. First year of life was great but from 1-2, she is constantly sick...congestion/colds, ear infections, diarrhea for weeks on end, chronic diaper rash/yeast infections. Tricky little delicate system.
* Sparkliest, scrunchiest, brightest smile! Twinkly eyes with long, curly lashes. Wrinkly-nosed, squinty- eyed BRIGHT, beaming smile with her whole face.
* Hannah loves her buddy, Kasen, a cute little guy exactly her age who comes to play with us every Thursday.
* Strong body. Cute little pot-gut. Stomps around emitting MUCH noise. Weighs exactly the same as her big sis, the ounce! :) She is tough and played for hours at Bear Lake on a cloudy day, splashing and cannon-balling and having a blast without even the slightest of shivers (while skinny little Madi had to stop often at the "warming station"--wrapped in towels on Mommy or Daddy's lap shivering with blue lips)
* Still LOVES her green blankie. Likes little toys that fit in her hand ($ Store Nemo, Sully, Mike Wazowski, princesses, Ariels, Chelsea from Barbie)
* Hilarious sense of humor. Funny facial expressions. Gets a good joke. Giggles. Witty and fun. Keeps us wildly entertained and makes us laugh our heads off!
* Tattle-tale. When she is sad/frustrated/hurt she comes running to Mommy, "Madi did it!"....sometimes, "Daddy did it!" She cracks me up BIG TIME, when I come to get her out of her crib in the mornings and she needs to report that Po the Panda, her soft Kung Fu stuffed animal, has been "kicking her neck" (big, serious eyes...nods/shakes/bobs her sincere little noggin...taps her neck.
* Love/hate relations with big sis. Gets so lonesome for Madi if she is napping or on an adventure without us. But is also terrified by her ticking-time-bomb sister. Madi has great power over Hannah and knows how to push her buttons--can get a squeal out of Hannah just by peering at her dangerously from the doorway across the room. They have wonderful spells of happy play time every now and then that are so encouraging but alas, they are quickly fleeting and few and far between. Hannah will follow along with any of Madi's naughty plans and adores any positive attention big sis will give her. Yesterday Madi had a VERY long day--several hours of running errands with Mom, a birthday party, high excitement at the fair, no nap, very little food...the makings of "the perfect storm." On the way home from the fair, she was HYSTERICAL about leaving without riding all the rides and did NOT want to be heading away from the fun & towards home and bedtime. She was ranting and raving like a person possessed. We tried to ignore and chuckle through the tense/LOUD ride home. Madi knew she was out of control but was unable to reign in her over-tired, tantrumy toddler self. She desperately asked with despair in her whiney voice, "WHAT'S WRONG WITH ME???" She apologized and we assured Madi we loved her and that she was just tired and everything was okay. In the carseat next to Monster Madi, Hanny folded her chubby little arms, bowed her head and said, "Dear Heavenly Father....bless of Jesus Christ, Amen." Sweetest little moment of my life. She reminded us all that when life gets hard, turn to your Heavenly Father who loves and answers prayers.
I definitely LOVE and TREASURE these happy sister moments! |
* Hanny is still my delicious cream-sicle with her soft, white skin and delicious, kissable, sugary, sweet cheeks. She keeps me on my toes but also makes every second of the day more special and fun. She is the perfect mix of sugar and spice, with a dash of mean but a great big bushel of nice.
Each night I thank God for this special little angel baby and plead with Him to watch over and protect her and keep her safe from harm. With His help, I hope she will grow to be a lovely old lady someday. But not too soon. I kind of treasure her being my little doll baby! I love you with all my heart, little Hanny!
Hannah's 2nd Birthday Party:
We went swimming at the Logan Aquatic Center with Dave & Ronni and co. and Jill, Jodi and Liv. Yummy BBQ afterwards with lots of grub and goodness. Hanny LOVES her aunties, uncles and cousins. She talks about Grandpa and Grandma everyday. She has been blessed with a fabulous family and loves each and every one of them!
Aunt Jill and Cousin Libby |
Madi and Aunt Jodi |
Complete and utter JOY! |
Cute cuz, Brinlee |
Trying to figure out how to hold up 2 fingers...tricky, terrible, terrific TWO!
On her actual birthday, July 22nd, we opened a few presents. Madi was pretty devastated that all the fun and festivities weren't for HER! Love these pics of the birthday princess and sad, tantrumy big sis in the background. :) We were sure she would love her new singing Ariel doll the most, but she fell in love with the Dollar Store Nemo and Dory fish..remind me to spend no more than $3 on birthday gifts ;)
That sad face in the background! I die. That lip. |
Hanny sings herself, "Happy Birthday!"