With Matt's crazy UPS holiday work schedule, we were soooooooo grateful to luck out and be able to leave town for Christmas. We spent some much needed time with his fabulous family in Price. We treasure our moments with the Houghs/Naylors/Colosimos. There's nothing like time spent with those you love. We enjoyed lots of good family fun (not to mention tons of DELICIOUS food). Hannah met Kaleb, Kennedy & Kanyon for the first time and bonded quickly with her cute cousins (she is still missing Kenn's doting and loving attention dearly). Christmas is a truly magical time of the year and we enjoyed every second of this special holiday season together.
Hannah's 1st Christmas |
Delicious Special Baby Jesus |
Just kickin' it with Jolly Old Saint Nick |
Get-Together Feast at the Colosimo and Co. Party House in Price: Brenten and Bunny with Cousins Madison and Kennedy |
WOW! |
Hannah meets her first bunny...soft as silk! |
Love this Little Kan Man: Kanyon Colosimo |
Exploring Cousin Kaleb's Bedroom Downstairs...Getting Up-Close & Personal with a SSSPOOKY SSSSSSNAKE! |
Kaleb's Ball Python...AAAAA! Captivating! |
Madi is MUCH braver than her Papa. |
Too cool |
This was the first time little Hannah was able to meet Aunt Jenn's cute crew. RE- UNITED & IT FEELS SOOO GOOD!
Hannah and Kennedy: Cousin Love |
Kaleb, Hannah, Kennedy & Aunt Jenn (Paul is busy in the kitchen...DINNER WAS AMAZING) |
Cuddling cousins, books, games, family, hugs & kisses = HAPPINESS |
Brenten, Madi & Grandma Patsy play a game. |
Christmas Eve--Kenn and Hannah |
Sharp and Snazzy Cuz's--Kenn, Hannah & Brenten |
Hannah and Aunt Jenn |
Christmas Eve: This picture perfectly captures a sleep-deprived witto family enjoying some Holiday happiness. |
The Happy Houghs--Christmas 2012 |
Christmas Morning: CHOOO CHOOO! |
Our witto tomboy LOVED her train, horsies, puzzle, blocks, toys, clothes & cousins' remote control car and Legos :) |
Behold the Christmas Wonders |
Horsies... |
...horsies.... |
...and more horsies! |
Happy Cousins enjoying their Christmas Loot |
Oh, ya...and Hannah got some new jammies and pacis! |
Doesn't take much to make this witto angel happy! Pleased as punch with her perfect pink pacis. |
Aunt Jodi spoiled us ROTTEN for Christmas. She totally nailed it with Madi's favorite movie...SPIRIT! (Now we can quit renting, and re-renting, and re-re-renting it from the library) She showered us ALL with many wonderful, thoughtful gifts and even surprised Kaye with a Spa Massage Gift Certficiate which I recently enjoyed with Jill and Jodi...FUN! THANK YOU, JODI! WE LOVE YOU. |
"When will I ever figure this out?" Sheer exhaustion after an exciting Christmas morning. (And to Madi's credit, it only took a frustrating week to master that tricky shape puzzle) :) |
That's a wrap! Back home in Logan putting away the Christmas decorations (Hannah's exersaucer is wrapped in Christmas lights) |
Awwww these are the cutest more treasured pics, i heart them :)