Grandma Patsy was able to come up and visit over President's weekend. She is so sweet and generous and although her loving presence is more than enough, she never comes empty handed. She gave Madi and Hannah the cutest, bright shirt/onesie. Fabulous Aunt Jenn also sent up some Valentine's...those Houghs never let a holiday/birthday/special occasion go by without a thoughtful gift or card. Madi loved her delicious Valentine treat and Hannah looks ADORABLE in her little heart hoodie from Auntie Jenn. THANK YOU! |
A fluorescent shirt to match Madi's electric personality! |
Aunt Jenn also made bunches of adorable headbands for the girlies. Too cute! |
You are loved, Little Duckie! |
We love and miss you, Price Houghs!!! Thanks for always being so sweet to these grateful girlies.
Awwww so cute we love you Logan Hough's!!!