So glad Matt snapped a few pics with his phone. Love these priceless snapshots of Madderdoon in absolute HEAVEN! "Happy, Happy, Happy!"
A few weekends ago (September 13th and 14th), Daddy made all of Madi's wildest dreams come true! For months now, ever since she read, re-read, studied, pondered and read again...for the billionth time, Just Me and My Dad by Mercer Mayer, she has been begging to go camping. Well, each busy weekend came and went without us squeezing in a coveted camping trip. The warm, summer weather was quickly bidding us adieu and we still hadn't been able to satisfy Madderdoon's persistent yearning and take her camping. Finally Matt decided THIS was the weekend--he would not let his little girl go disappointed yet again--so he pledged his word and was 100% set on taking his witto buddy on an adventure she'd not soon forget. The weather did everything it could to dissuade him. From Wednesday on it was wet, wet, wet. Grandpa helped us set up the tent in the basement while Daddy was at work. Madi played in it for days. I tried to convince Matt that she'd be pleased as punch with an over-nighter right in the comfort of our warm, dry basement. They could still have loads of fun and even eat a hot dog for dinner. He didn't budge or take my offer of an easy-out. I suggested they at least stay in the backyard. Nope! After a long week of work and several soggy days, he was still set on a real camping adventure with Madi...just like he'd promised! On Friday after work, Matt threw a few things together, strapped a grinning, giddy Madi in to her carseat, and out they headed in the mini-van as the storm clouds rumbled. I figured I'd see them in a few hours.
Matt filled me in on the details later. Madi was in absolute heaven...blabbering, blubbering, gabbing, chatting, singing and talk, talk, talking Daddy's ear off the entire weekend. She fished, sat in a camp chair around a real (SMOKY...spent the next week scrubbing and washing every item that accompanied them on this fumy, fun adventure) toasty fire and slept in a tent out in actual nature. Daddy took her to his favorite place--Newton Reservoir and pulled out all the stops to treat her like his precious, perfect princess. They snuggled in the tent after dark and read book after book. They giggled. They sang. They listened to the coyotes howl in the distance. And not a drop dripped on these two besties as they camped under the big, black sky. Matt said the weather was perfect and they never got too cold. Madi only woke up once to proclaim..."Daddy....Daddy....Daddy... I LOVE YOU!" To quote our new favorite show, Duck Dynasty, they were "Happy, Happy, Happy!"
It makes Mama "Happy, Happy, Happy" to know that Madi and Hannah have a Daddy who will move heaven and earth to make them happy. He treats us like queens and honors his word! It thrills me to know that his girls will always be able to trust their Dad because when he says he's going to do something, he DOES it! We love you, Daddy/Matty!!! Thanks for making Madi's wildest dreams come true!