Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tastes Like Chocolate

Madderdoon is ALWAYS right in the thick of messy, marvelous, wacky, wonderful witto helper!  She is always RIGHT by my side...making cookies, doing dishes, putting on "makes" (make-up)...she is my little tumor that I just can't seem to shake.  She makes it immensely more difficult to get a simple task done but makes it all the more exciting and meaningful when I actually do accomplish something.  Plus she's just so darn entertaining.


  1. Awww too cute, you couldn't be more right about tasks becoming more challenging with a tumor but one day we will look back and miss these tumourous moments :) Love you GUYS!!!

  2. Choc-o-latt.. She has the cutest pronunciation and greatest vocabulary. She takes after her smart and sassy mother. I could listen to her all day. I especially love that she calls me Jibby. She's your marvelous mini side kick helper
