Thursday, April 18, 2013

I "Tink" I Love These Girlies

Pretty Pixie Pals
Daybreak Darlings
Hannah is eying Madi's marshmallow...yes, Mama bribed Madi with marshmallows to get her to sit and look at/near/past the camera...getting nearly IMPOSSIBLE to get a pic of that witto rascal!

The new face Hannah pulls.

Facing Off!  Hannah is really sizing up that marshmallow. 


Madi shares a marshmallow.  Hannah explores the new texture and taste.

Sticking to the roof of her mouth.

Sticky and Delicious

Fairy Friends Forever


  1. Awwww I can't believe how much they are growing up already, Madi soon to be 2 and before you know it Miss Hannah will be one! :( wish time would slow down!!!

  2. I tink I love them too! But I know that they are cute. I need to get Gwenners some tinkalicious pjs! That Hannah looks like Matt in these pics.

  3. Lori! I literally wrote the same first line. But seriously. I tink I love them too! They are so so fun, cute, smart, sweet, full of life, and just plain fabulous.
