Friday, March 29, 2013

Daddy's Girls

Oh, how we love our man in brown!
U.P.S has been a wonderful job for Matt over the years.
The insurance benefits just can't be beat ($10 babies and 10 cent prescriptions)!
Plus those shorts...sooooo hot!  ;)
Hannah and Madi love when Daddy gets a lunch break on Saturdays and we can pretend drive the big, brown truck...VROOOM!

Daddy's Girls

That big bully, Hannah (HA...she's the sweetest witto angel) is about to swipe Madi's coveted toy in this pic and I can almost hear what happens next, "NO, HANNAH...MINE!"  Ah, sisters!

Special Delivery

Can just about reach those pedals :)

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Madison Mae--22 Months and Growing!

Don't let that little angel face fool ya!  Sugar and, nope...just SPICE!

This little lady blows raspberries and acts like a big goofball during her classy photoshoot.

SOOOOOOOOOOO MADI!  Almost "Terrible Two!"  Are we worried?  HA!  We've been perfecting Terrible since Two DAYS old!

The Grouchy Crafter...WHAT YOU LOOKIN AT?!?

Every great artist sports green marker on her forehead!

Making a picture for Daddy, "I 'Tink" You Are The Best Daddy Ever!"

Giving her babies a "tubby."  We get down and dirty clean with bubbles and bowls and water galore.

Good little Mama.  Rub a dub dub.

At 22 Months, Madi:

  • is fun, fun, FUN!  She jibber-jabber talks, talks, talks all day long.  She's got quite the witto vocabulary and learns a million new words everyday.  I LOVE this fun stage.  
  • LOVES Grandma and Grandpa Black.  Her favorite days are the ones where she is being adored by her loving grandparents.  She calls them "Gramage" and "Grampage"..kinda sounds like "Garbage" but is definitely NOT the fact, exactly the opposite in meaning.  OOOOOh, she loves them.  She lights up, giggles and sparkles when we even mention them or see a picture of them, and can be bribed to go back to sleep after a night terror if she knows she will get to see them the next day.  She "calls" Grandpa on her toy phones and my cell phone all day.  Madi has never been very touchy-feely but you should have seen her feeding Grandpa, cuddling and flirting with him while she fed him lunch as they sat side by side at the kitchen bar during their last get-together.  It was true affection and adoration at its finest!  Intense love.  Grandpa got out his tool set and they set about fixing EVERYTHING in sight.  Madi would proclaim, "FIX, FIX."  Then upon successful completion of their joint project she would celebrate with an enthusiastic "HUG, HUG!"  Grandpa pointed out that if Matt never gets a boy, Madi will be even better cuz she makes a terrific little chap with the bonus of sharing endearing HUG, HUGS after conquering her tomboy tasks! 
  • Is 99% tomboy--loves trains, airplanes, horsies, dinosaurs, garbage trucks, footballs, moving and messes.  But she has recently developed a love of "princenessess", jewelry and still loves her babies and a few other girl items like Tinkerbell and sparkly earrings.
  • is a GREAT big sister.  She brings Hanni toys (after snatching them from her and making her cry), helps Mama feed her (she'll tell us which action the spoon needs to take--train, airplane, snake, rabbit, etc, etc,), rubs her soft head, brings her pacities (pacifiers) and blanketies and loves having a friend to "talk", dance and play with.  She pretty much knows Hannah is our package deal and goes wherever we go.  Sometimes they get in battles for Mama's attention but most of the time they are fast friends!
  • Can NOT be trusted with an open top (non-sipee/lidded) cup.  She dunks EVERYTHING in her milk...macaroni noodles, chicken, cheese, strawberries, etc and makes a disgusting shake which she usually drinks...or spills all over her high chair/floor to splash in.  No item is un-dunkable in Madi's book.  
  • LOVES coloring and crafting.  She loves her crayons and markers and can create beautiful works of art with stickers, noodles, cheerios, paint, etc.  She has been known to color on a door or wall (or two) and gets real skittish when we discover her mischievous masterpieces and confront her about them.  She tries desperately to change the subject, trying to interest us in an exciting toy or snack to divert our attention.  She "cleans" up with us, says, "Sorry," hugs and kisses, fills in the blank:  Crayons are only for ______ "PAPER!"  And yet . . .
  • Has a few very special places on her list of favorites.  We go to Pet Smart (she marches me through our route at the, frogs, birds, hamsters, chinchilla, snakes, lizards, chameleon, cats and any and all dogs along the way), the library (has a strict routine here as drop, drinking fountain, DVDs, computers, board books and padded children's area, check-out desk) and the temple (they recently turned on the fountain and Madi loves giving Tink a tubby in the splashy water) almost daily.  Now that it is finally getting warmer, we are excited to add our beautiful parks and the Willow Park Zoo to the circuit as well.  On Wednesday, we were finally able to reunite with all of our animal friends at the zoo and there was pure love and joy in the air.  Madi was positively ECSTATIC when she heard the BOOM, BOOM, BOOM of the emus (yes, they made a very un-bird-like bass drum sound...sooo cool).  Hannah was all smiles, too.  We definitely have two outdoor adventure girlies.
  • Is still heck at church but loves nursery...phew!
  • Is getting more hugs and kisses and loves to rub heads and play with hair.
  • Is developing a special bond with Daddy.  If Madi wakes up crying in the middle of the night, Matt is the one to console her and help her find her paci.  He is wonderful about calming her and coaxing her to stay in her crib for the rest of the night (whereas Mom would give up and bring her to bed...ugh).  They had a very special Daddy/daughter date day last week and went to the Jump Zone, dollar store, library, Pet Smart, temple, Wendy's for dinner, Best Buy, and Wal-Mart for a Tinkerbell Barbie and Tink Jammies (ACTION PACKED afternoon/evening).  Best date ever!  Madi is Daddy's little buddy for sure!
  • Madi is a ball of energy.  She feels things STRONGLY and does everything was a high level of intensity!  She is saucy, sparkly and fun.  We love her immensely.   

Friday, March 22, 2013

Hannah Kaye--8 Months and Growing!


 At 8 Months, Hannah:

  • is a MOVER!  She has been crawling since around 7 months and can slide, slither, roll, flip and kick herself anywhere she wants to go.  She started sitting up a little after six months.
  • LOVES attention.  She lets out a loud, heart-breaking squawk when someone walks past without noticing her.  Lately, if Madi and/or I leave the room, or even her sight, she protests loudly.  She is undergoing a brief (hopefully) and adorable (ha) clingy/needy phase. 
  • is social and sweet.  She loves her Mommy, sister, doggy and Daddy (not necessarily in that order, no worries, Daddy).  She is smiley and sparkly.  
  • She has incredible fine-motor skills.  She has been able to pick up tiny things for months and can put her own paci back in (gotta LOVE that).
  • Says, "Da-da-da" and "Ma-ma-ma."  Grunts, growls, giggles, sings, coos, squeals and laughs.  She doesn't cry often but when she does, the volume can be surprisingly intense.  Hannah has definitely figured out that if she has a pressing need, she had better be louder than Madi and has thus, increased her volume!
  • is still a teeny, tiny little squirt. Her precious, petite little hands and fingers are just sooooo sweet.  
  • is a pretty good little eater.  Introducing solids has seemed to help her grow.  She got so constipated when we fed her Rice and even Oatmeal Cereal that we discontinued that and give her straight fruits and/or veggies.  We have been trying to introduce her to new goulash but she still prefers her Beech Nut Pears and Raspberries above anything else and would be pleased as punch to eat it for breakfast and dinner everyday!  She can get quite dramatic with the gagging, choking, coughing and blowing it out her nose when we feed her something revolting like carrots. :)  We have found that if we mix her favorite Pears and Raspberries with Green Beans or Sweet Peas she does great.  Aren't we tricky!?!
  • Hannah is quite the little T.V. watcher.  She will join Madi for episodes of Caillou and snippets of The Lorax, etc.  Gotta love those captivating colors and sounds.
  • totally loves and adores her big sis.  She watches Miss Madi, laughs when Madi laughs and cries when she cries.  They definitely play off of each other!
  • is growing her first few sprigs of hair on her beautiful, mostly-bald witto head.
  •  had her first cold...ugh!  A few weeks ago, she got the nasty bug and was horribly congested and uncomfortable...oh, it is so sad when those little ones are sick and can't breath (thank heavens she  made it so long through an un-ending, sicky winter without catching something sooner--she has been very healthy).  She hated having her nose sucked out.  The humidifier only mildly helped.  She did NOT like the feeling of being congested and would have coughing attacks that made her soooo sad.  She still has never had an ear infection, though, for which we are VERY grateful (big sis is getting tubes in on Monday)
  • LOVED her first swinging experience at the park last week (March 12th).  Looks like we will have another park-rat, thank heavens!  As if she had a choice.  Madi and I were pretty set on helping Hannah develop a love of the outdoors and park playing since that is a BIG part of our daily health and happiness.  COME BACK, SPRING!!! (It's snowing pretty heavily outside as I type..UGH)
  • Hannah is nothing but joy and sweetness (except at night...oh, we'd sell our souls to the devil for a solid night of sleep around here).  We just couldn't live without her and love, love, love her to pieces!

Valentines From our Lovies

Grandma Patsy was able to come up and visit over President's weekend.  She is so sweet and generous and although her loving presence is more than enough, she never comes empty handed.  She gave Madi and Hannah the cutest, bright shirt/onesie.  Fabulous Aunt Jenn also sent up some Valentine's...those Houghs never let a holiday/birthday/special occasion go by without a thoughtful gift or card.  Madi loved her delicious Valentine treat and Hannah looks ADORABLE in her little heart hoodie from Auntie Jenn.  THANK YOU!  

A fluorescent shirt to match Madi's electric personality!

Aunt Jenn also made bunches of adorable headbands for the girlies.  Too cute!
You are loved, Little Duckie!

We love and miss you, Price Houghs!!!  Thanks for always being so sweet to these grateful girlies.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

No Shoes, No Shirt, NO PROBLEM!

Lots of times, we strip down for mealtimes so we can get down and dirty, then wash up and cuts down on laundry (in theory....we each still seem to go through at least three outfits a day somehow).  These pics may have been taken after lunch or in the process of wardrobe changes.  Regardless, I LOVE ME SOME NAKED BABIES!!!  Oh, these girlies look comfy and delicious in their natural state.
Just kickin' it with my bestie!

Love the syncronized left-handed wrist flick...these gals are in synch!

Fuzzy (darn it) Cuteness

"Hello...Grandpa?  Please come visit.  It's winter, I'm cold, and Mommy seems to be neglecting me.  Please bring me a clean, warm shirt!"

Panting Puppies

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Indescribable Joy

God is the designer of the family.  He intended that the greatest of happiness, the most satisfying aspects of life, the deepest joys should come in our associations together and our concerns one for another as fathers and mothers and children.
-President Gordon B. Hinckley

Life just doesn't get any better!  We can NOT stop smilin'!  

I feel like I can't NOT journal this most beautiful family experience but I have been conflicted as to what to say/how to say it/whether to only say it privately in my personal journal or post it here.  I did NOT want to be preachy or goofy and this experience was so sacred and special and close to my heart that I debated on how and if I should share it.  I have written several versions, edited, deleted and finally feel like I should just get on with it and take this opportunity to share my testimony of temples and families.

Words can't express the gratitude, love, happiness and joy in the hearts at the Happy Hough homestead.  And so I won't even try.  Matt and I have typed up our thoughts and impressions about our temple sealing but will save those personal reflections for our family journal.  To sum it up:

*The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is true!  It is such a blessing in our lives.  It gives us a path (this is not to safe life will be a walk in the park, skipping down a lane of, the path might be bumpy but at least God's road for us is straight and there is peace along the journey when you live righteously and enjoy the blessings of obedience even though there will certainly be adversity and hardships).

*Our loving Heavenly Father sent His Son to atone for all mankind so that we can repent and live with God again in eternal families.  How grateful we are for our Savior, Jesus Christ!  Matt and I were so moved by the gorgeous art in the temple as we met together and made our way to the sealing room.  We had such gratitude for our Savior for making that miraculous and indescribably beautiful day possible. 

* There is power in prayer: I was so overcome with emotion as Matt and I entered the silent sealing room filled with our most favorite people in the whole world (minus some very special and dear loved ones who couldn't be there, but whom we love sooooo much and include in our "favorites").  When I sat down, I looked around at all the loving faces looking back at us.  Seeing my brothers and sisters, tears streamed down my face.  I lost my breath and gasped a tiny gasp trying to find a calming breath.  Such joy!  So grateful for the powerful prayers of my parents and siblings, stake presidency and bishopric that helped us make it to this miraculous day.  There is strength in numbers and when so many great people are rooting for you, you can't fail!   

*  The priesthood is the power of God, which is given to man to act in His name.  It is on the earth today.  The blessings of the priesthood are available to everyone. 

*  The temple is such a blessing!  Each time we go, we leave better men and women.  Temple service sanctifies, purifies and empowers us!  It is not just an expectation, chore, or to-do on the checklist.  It is a privilage beyond measure.  It means so much to qualify for the beautiful blessings and promises of the temple.  There is so much power in making and keeping temple covenants.

Temple and family history work unites families.  Husbands and wives, parents and children can be sealed through sacred temple ordinances.  The goal of this process is that "the whole chain of God's family shall be welded together into one chain, and they shall all become the family of God and His Christ" -Joseph F. Smith

I LOVE all the happy, smiling faces in this picture!  Everyone is BEAMING.  I've never seen a family picture with so many happy sets of sparkling teeth.  We were ALL feelin' the JOY!

Logan Temple--February 16, 2013--Best.  Day.  Ever.
Forever Family

Madi, Mama, Grandma Patsy, Daddy & Hannah, Josh

Temple ordinances, covenants, endowments, and sealings enable individuals to be reconciled with the Lord and families to be sealed beyond the veil of death. 

Daddy and Hannah

President Boyd K. Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles explains the role of ordinances and covenants--"Ordinances and covenants become our credentials for admission into [God's] presence.  To worthily receive them is the quest of a lifetime; to keep them thereafter is the challenge of mortality.  Once we have received them for ourselves and for our families, we are obligated to provide these ordinances vicariously for our kindred dead, indeed for the whole human family."
Mama and Madi

"WE DID IT!!!"  Madi made a temple count-down chain and nearly every day we drove past the temple, sang "I love to see the temple," and looked at pictures/talked about the temple.  We discussed being reverent but every time we practiced whispering, Madi would SHOUT.  When we talked about being nice, she'd yell, "NO...MEAN!"  To say I was a little worried was an understatement.  So boy was I thrilled when she didn't even skip a beat as we left her in the children's center with the sweet workers in the temple (she ran right over to the toys like she was at nursery).  And then when they brought the girls in to join us in the sealing room, she was so sober and calm.  Her eyes were big, taking everything in.  She was perfectly serene and silent.  Hannah was peaceful and calm.  They both looked directly at the sealer and listened like they were sweet, little old ladies instead of tiny tiger tots.  I think they understood better than any of the adults the magnitude and importance of what was happening.  Then when the ordinance was over and we stood up, Hannah let out a loud squawk and needed Mommy (Matt thinks her future little brother there in attendance may have bonked her on the head) which caused Madi some distress and she also let loose and needed Mama.  Kind of hilarious.  They pulled through when we needed them to but then all bets were off and everyone got to witness the joys and stresses of having two little ones so very close together in age. 

Goin in for the Kiss

Uncle Josh and Grandma Patsy

Grandma Marcia, Hannah, and Uncle Brent

LIFE IS GOOD!  It was so amazing to start the day at the Logan temple with the crowning ordinance of our temple sealing and then end the day in Bountiful with the double baby blessing of sweet baby Hannah and her precious, perfect cousin, Olivia (Jill's baby girl).   We came full circle all in one beautiful day!  My gorgeous girlies constantly remind me that God is good and I have much to be grateful for.  My family is truly the source of my deepest joys.  I will never in a million years forget this miraculous, magical, momentous, perfectly beautiful day!

I know we aren't allowed to take pictures in the temple because it is too sacred and special, but the picture in my mind of Matt and I kneeling at the altar, Grandpa kneeling with Madison in his arms--her sweet hand resting on ours, Grandma holding Hannah--Hannah's precious hand linked in ours---all of us at the altar--(Mama, Daddy, both angel babies, and Grandma & Grandpa) dressed in pure white inside the gorgeous sealing room, as we were being sealed and linked together for eternity--is the most beautiful image I've ever beheld and it will hang on the mantel of my mental fireplace forevermore!

And there I go again...this was supposed to be a brief summary.  I should have just let the picture do the talking and simply said, "LIFE IS GOOD!"

P.S.  I am VERY grateful for these priceless pics.  Considering we just about bagged it and didn't take any, were hungry and ready to get to lunch (PARTAY AT THE GOLDEN CORRAL), were dealing with two very tired and hungry babies--Hannah is the sleeping lump in the blanket in the pics at the temple--they turned out very well.