Thursday, April 3, 2014

Madi/Winnie the Pooh

Hundred Acre Wood (Smithfield Canyon)
Winnie The Pooh (Madison Mae Hough)
November 2013

"Some people care too much.  I think it's called love."
--A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh



October 2013: Hannah's 2nd Halloween; 15 Months

Seems like just yesterday.  And also a LIFE-TIME ago.  A conflicting conundrum.  :)  Oh, our witto Hanny was squishy and delicious!  For Halloween Hannah was a Tiger (I think I actually DID post those pics last October, too cute to procrastinate thanks to Grandma Black), Pink Poodle Dog, Butterfly, Panda,  Elephant, and Monkey.  Hey, a girl needs her options!